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This module introduces designing human settings, particularly interior spaces. From the inside out, spatial design consider how spaces feel, how they are organized, and how they might enhance the lives of individuals experiencing them. What distinguishes an intimate, culturally significant, or public space? How does space feel appropriate in these various contexts? Spatial design will need to investigate how people move and interact in the areas that are significant to them, and then create strategies to enhance those settings. This includes examining how humans interact with and are impacted by space, as well as the physical appearance of these areas. Typically, people accept as given the particular constraints of the contexts and environments they find themselves in. Nonetheless, every environment is rife with renovative opportunities, harboring modifications that can make a world of difference.



I'm glad that I met a good tutor in this module. He always tries to help us and gives feedback on how to improve the models. After completing this module, I learned how to create design elements such as plane, void and volume. Besides that, I also learned design principles and applied them to my model so that it looks nice and attractive. Lastly, I learned form manipulation and spatial design to think about how spaces feel, how they are organized and how they might enrich the lives of those experiencing them and investigate how people move and interact in the areas that are significant to them and then create strategies to enhance those settings.

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