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Cities need lungs for breathing, basically well-maintained open, green, public spaces. The city as a physical composition involves interaction between these man-made and natural components. Basically, a city consists of spaces for human activities and interactions. It creates identity to a certain city. Overcrowding in cities causes problems with waste disposal, health and pollution. There are other significant urban problems as well, among them violence, crime, drugs, and the over-consumption of energy and other resources. Most of these problems affect not only the city itself but the countryside and often the entire world. In short, cities contain within them the key challenges facing our civilization.


Part A

In group, you are to choose 1 existing public space globally that has been intervened in adapting the pandemic situation. You are to conduct a case studies and investigate the intervention of public spaces to understand more about the tangible and intangible elements or components in public space on top of lecture delivered in class

Part B

For the second task, you will need to initiate ideas on how our public spaces in campus could be intervened in relating to the affected COVID 19 pandemic

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II



In this assignment, I switched to a different group in order to meet some new people. They are quite pleasant to be around and work well together. Following the assignment discussion, we will have a chit-chat session to get to know each other better. The atmosphere is a lot of fun and joy. By the way, I've learnt about the relationship between the built environment and the people that utilise it. In addition, I discovered how much a pandemic affects public space.

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